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Jennifer Allen Newton, NBC-HWC, FMCHConline

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United States

Biographical Info


Education & Background:

I received a Bachelor of Science in Communication from Northwestern University and did graduate work in adult learning and development. I’m a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and a Certified HeartMath Practitioner. I have also completed the FMCA Reversing Cognitive Decline (ReCODE) coaching program based on the groundbreaking work of Dr. Dale Bredesen, author of The End of Alzheimer’s.


In 2008 I was invited to join the IFM Board of Directors, on which I served for 8.5 years. After my tenure there, I joined the Board of Advisors for the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, on which I currently (and enthusiastically) serve.

Areas of Specialty:

Workplace Stress and Work/Life Balance:
Coming from a career in the high-tech business world, I enjoy helping people in all walks of life build their resilience and develop strategies to manage home and workplace stress. I help leaders achieve greater performance through mind-body wellness and I work with doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to help them cope with job stress and engage in their own self-care.

Women’s Health:
One of my specialties is women’s health, particularly working with women in their mid-30s and older to help them cope and thrive as they experience the mind/body changes of peri-menopause (the years leading up to) through menopause. I also work with women who are experiencing the stress of infertility.

Alzheimer’s & Dementia/Family Caregivers:
Having cared for a parent with Alzheimer’s in my home for five years, I understand the tremendous stress one can experience as a caregiver in any capacity, and I enjoy helping people find ways to maintain their own mind-body health while serving as a caregiver for others.

For the past 25 years I have worked with national and global companies as a communications strategist, writer and consultant focusing on health, technology and green/sustainable business. I help managers communicate with their teams and I also work with human resources departments to help them communicate effectively with employees and hiring prospects.

Additional Info:

I work remotely by phone or using HIPAA-compliant videoconferencing.
I work with clients in person in the Portland and Hillsboro, Oregon areas and rural Washington County.

I live on a small farm outside of Portland, Oregon with my husband/business partner, two scruffy dogs, four chickens, three Shetland sheep and a lot of deer wandering through the yard. In my spare time, I enjoy writing, cooking, making music, traveling, photography and tending our organic garden and orchard.



Coaching Areas

Functional wellness (food, movement, mind-body, sleep, relationships)
Resilience and stress management (including HeartMath)
Women’s health: peri-menopause and menopause support, coping with infertility
Alzheimer’s & dementia family caregivers
Effective communications skills