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Janet Clemons, BSN, FMCHC, Integrative Health Practitioner-L1online

  • United States
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Biographical Info

I am a native Vermonter, married with 2 adult sons (with 3 grandchildren between them), and 4 adult step-daughters. I received my BSN from UVM and worked primarily with the senior population in upper management positions for most of my nursing career. In every position I held, I felt I had a responsibility to advocate for a better quality of life for both the residents and staff under my supervision. Eventually, I got burnt out from fighting an uphill battle every step of the way, and decided I could no longer continue working in the field I loved so much. I just couldn’t bear to watch how our seniors and frontline staff were being treated in LTC settings. I was especially distraught with the polypharmacy that I witnessed, particularly when trying to manage unwanted behaviors. I knew there was a better way and I truly wanted to make a difference. My search for answers led me to Functional Medicine, and ultimately to the Functional Medicine Health Coaching Academy, which I graduated from in 2019. I am so passionate about identifying and treating the root cause, versus “a pill for every ill”. I still believe that prescription medication is sometimes necessary, but not without other interventions along with it.

I love learning about health and wellness, and have just completed my certification as a Level 1 Integrative Health Practitioner, and am currently studying to become a Level 2 Integrative Health Practitioner as well.

Coaching Areas

My specialty is working with women over 50 who have let their own health and well-being go while focusing on the needs of others while raising their families. They may have witnessed their own aging parents struggle with cognitive decline, chronic disease, multiple medications, and decreased functioning. They want to age differently then their parents, with more energy and vitality and less medications. They realize they need to get serious and make their own health and wellbeing a priority in order to do so.