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  • Cleveland, United States
  • Doreen
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Biographical Info

Hi my name is Doreen Skonier. 13 years ago I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and over the years as my condition worsened going from a pre diabetic to an A1C of 11.1, I decided it was time to take some steps to reverse that and my A1C levels had come down to 5.4 levels. I found a doctor who had a program for reversing diabetes and I changed my lifestyle for the better and I am feeling positive energy! I even notice not having chronic sinus infections like I used to and my energy level when I went back to work was surpassing team members who would tire easily after several hours. I was still moving along.

My sister was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer back in 2016. Ever since she was placed on a lifestyle change, she has healed exceptionally well.

My goal is to help anyone who feels like they are struggling by trying to reach the end of the tunnel from the fatigue, pain, and finding time to make that change. If you need the support to make that change, I am happy to help!

Coaching Areas

Type 2 diabetes management including increasing energy, time management, client center focused, short term goal setting, nutrition, and physical movement.